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Installed on-grid system by using 14 solar panels of 405W Seraphim TIER1 and using an INVT 10kW 3Phase. In the future, the number of solar panels could be increased for this system corresponding to the rising in electricity demand.
Installed on-grid system by using 7 panels of 405W Seraphim TIER1 solar panels and using 1 INVT 3kW with permission to parallel the electricity with Provincial Electricity Authority.
Installed on-grid system using 12 405W Seraphim Tier1 solar panels and selected 1 Solar Edge 5kW with 12 Power Optimizer P505 and participated in the 2020 public solar project.
Installed a hybrid system using 16 DAH 340W solar panels and 1 unit of 5kW Lantrun Hybrid with a 4.2kW Lithium Power Wall
Installed an off-grid system using 8 405W Seraphim Tier1 solar panels and a 20kWh Lithium Battery to support 30,000 BTU air conditioners and other appliances for 3 hours.
Installed on-grid system by using 7 DAH 320W solar panels and using 1 INVT 2kW.
ติดตั้งระบบ On-grid โดยใช้แผงโซลาร์ DAH 320W จำนวน 12 แผง และเลือกใช้ INVT 5kW เพื่อรองรับการใช้งานที่สูงขึ้นในอนาคต
Installed Hybrid Off-grid system using 7 405W Seraphim Tier1 solar panels and 10kWh Lithium Battery to back up 12,000 BTU and 18,000 BTU air conditioners for 4 hours.


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