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126 Items
Installed on-grid system by using 7 panels of 405W Seraphim TIER1 solar panels and using 1 INVT 3kW with permission to parallel the electricity with Provincial Electricity Authority.
Installed on-grid system using 12 405W Seraphim Tier1 solar panels and selected 1 Solar Edge 5kW with 12 Power Optimizer P505 and participated in the 2020 public solar project.
Installed a hybrid system using 16 DAH 340W solar panels and 1 unit of 5kW Lantrun Hybrid with a 4.2kW Lithium Power Wall
Installed an off-grid system using 8 405W Seraphim Tier1 solar panels and a 20kWh Lithium Battery to support 30,000 BTU air conditioners and other appliances for 3 hours.
Installed on-grid system by using 7 DAH 320W solar panels and using 1 INVT 2kW.
ติดตั้งระบบ On-grid โดยใช้แผงโซลาร์ DAH 320W จำนวน 12 แผง และเลือกใช้ INVT 5kW เพื่อรองรับการใช้งานที่สูงขึ้นในอนาคต
Installed Hybrid Off-grid system using 7 405W Seraphim Tier1 solar panels and 10kWh Lithium Battery to back up 12,000 BTU and 18,000 BTU air conditioners for 4 hours.
Installed on-grid system using 7 405W Seraphim Tier1 solar panels and selected one Solar Edge 5kW with 7 Power Optimizer P505 and participated in the 2020 public solar project.


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